Last week in New England, I day hiked along that trail. Good and bad sides of human behavior revealed themselves.
First the bad side: While visiting a lean-to shelter, I read a message written by one hiker to her peers: Here's a photo of that note (with an identifying road name deleted):
How could someone deny water--the font of life--to fellow human beings in need? How selfish. The reality that more than one hiker has knocked on that homeowner’s door is no excuse.
Now the good side: I came upon a collection of water bottles (seen in the bottom photo). A Good Samaritan, I was told, had placed them there for hikers.
People who lend assistance to others derive happiness from their generosity. Research proves that fact. That Good Samaritan probably lives a happy life.
I doubt that selfish homeowner lives happily. Her heart is a stone. She probably suffers from a self inflicted depression.
Generosity implies happiness whereas selfishness implies unhappiness.